As a close out of our 2020 Small Business Week posts, it is important to know that Virginia law has shifted in three other important, but smaller facets: pay transparency, whistleblower protections, … [Read more...]
Virginia Small Business: Wage Violations
Small businesses must be vigilant with their accounting and payroll procedures, even more so now that a new law provides a new private right of action for unpaid wages, in addition to the previous … [Read more...]
Virginia Small Business: No Non-Compete for “Low-Wage” Earners
In continuation of Small Business Employment Law Week, the next topic of discussion is the change in stance on non-competes for “low-wage” earners, which now extends beyond just employees. Virginia … [Read more...]
Virginia Small Business: Virginia Values Act
Today for our 2020 Small Business Week, we will be discussing the Virginia Values Act. This spring, Governor Northam has signed the Virginia Values Act and makes Virginia the first state in the … [Read more...]
Small Business in Virginia: Misclassification of Employees
As a small business in Virginia, you need to be aware that Virginia has experienced a seismic shift to its employment law. Throughout the course of this week, we will be sharing updates of which small … [Read more...]
Can Filing for Bankruptcy Stop the Lawsuit Against You?
If you are in the midst of a lawsuit and experiencing financial hardship, filing for bankruptcy may seem like a quick fix that will prevent judgment against you. In some cases, that may be true, but … [Read more...]
Eviction Suspension Ends in Virginia on June 29th
Housing. It is one thing which we all require. During the COVID-19 stay at home orders and the quarantine Virginia had a moratorium on evictions. Unlawful detainer cases which were already filed were … [Read more...]
Litigation and Bankruptcy. What is the effect?
If you are in the midst of litigation and one parties files for bankruptcy, a common belief is that those proceedings will automatically terminate. Rather, depending on the type of bankruptcy, the … [Read more...]
Revocable v. Irrevocable Trusts
Trusts are an important part of estate planning. They can be used in place of a will, allow you to protect your assets, and may also be used to transfer assets to your beneficiaries after you pass … [Read more...]
Mediation in Custody, Visitation, and Support Cases
In Virginia, not all petitions for child custody, visitation, or support necessarily go to trial. This is, in part, because the Court must refer the parties in “appropriate cases” to mediation. See … [Read more...]