A number of protections for Tenants in nonpayment eviction cases are set to expire in Virginia. Full protections as imposed by the Virginia General Assembly during the COVID-19 state of emergency … [Read more...]
Mental Health and Family Law
If you’re in the midst of a contested divorce or custody litigation, your mental health is almost certainly going to be an issue for you and your attorney to discuss. Any time a court is being asked … [Read more...]
Don’t Let Go of That Balloon!
Effective July 1st, 2021, the Virginia legislature has passed a bill making it a civil penalty for anyone over the age of sixteen (16) to knowingly release a non-biodegradable balloon. Any person 16 … [Read more...]
Eviction Protections in Virginia Extended Again
As of August 11, 2021, Governor Northam signed a new budget bill that extends eviction protections for tenants until June 30, 2022. Several elements of the protections had previously expired. The … [Read more...]
What is Service of Process and Why is it Important?
Have you ever been to Court and had the following occur: the other party is not present and the Judge states that there is no service on the party and dismisses the proceedings? That is because the … [Read more...]
The Power of Partition
There comes a day in many of our lives when you are talking with friends, family-members or roommates and you all decide it would be an amazing idea to all split the cost of something expensive. That … [Read more...]
Claiming Future Lost Wages in a Personal Injury Case
Suffering a personal injury often leads to more damages than just the physical damage that you sustain from the accident itself. Injury often also results in damage to your relationships, your … [Read more...]
Non-solicitation Provisions: Yes, they are enforceable in Virginia.
In a recent decision out of the Western District of Virginia, the enforceability of non-solicitation agreements was put to the test. Judge Glen E. Conrad upheld verbiage prohibiting a former Edward … [Read more...]
Covid-19 and Defamation: Defamation Per Se Presumed Damages
A false accusation can ripple throughout a person’s life. This includes false accusations which you may have initially thought of as nothing more than a nuisance. In today’s world this would include … [Read more...]
Virginia’s Eviction Moratorium: Court is still in session.
The Virginia Supreme Court has placed in effect an eviction moratorium until September 7th,2020. This action was met with strong dissent even among the Virginia Supreme Court Justices and has created … [Read more...]