What happens if I don’t have a Power of Attorney in Virginia?

When a client calls and asks, “why do we need a power of attorney?” our answer always starts with the truth – that having a power of attorney can avoid additional time, cost and pain in the future should your loved ones ever need to step up and take care of your financial needs. We have written a number of articles over the years about the importance of power of attorneys and how they are created.  You can learn more about them here:

What is a power of attorney?

The Strength of a Power of Attorney

When a power of attorney is not in place, or is not in a format that is accepted by the third party that you need to accept it, then that is when your loved ones will be forced to file for conservatorship in the courts so as to gain access to your assets and manage your finances.

You can learn more about guardianship and conservatorship in our articles below:

Adult Guardianship and Conservatorship in Virginia: What? Who? When? Where? How?

What is the Difference Between a Guardian and Conservator?

If you are interested in setting up a power of attorney or are faced with the choice of whether or not filing for guardianship or conservatorship on behalf of your loved one is your best option for their care, our attorneys can help. Please email us at info@wmmlegal.com or call (804) 423-1382 and we can set up an initial consultation with one of our attorneys.