Getting preliminary protective orders—when time is crucial

People who are suffering abuse from people in their homes or lives understandably do not have the luxury of waiting to litigate their rights during bankers’ hours. They frequently need relief now—to … [Read more...]

Expert testimony ≠ “certified” expert in Virginia

A misunderstanding that many clients have in litigation is whether they can testifying to an opinion on an area they have better-than-average knowledge in. The short answer is that, ordinarily, laymen … [Read more...]

Reckless driving using a phone: Changes coming January 1st, 2021 for drivers in Virginia

A topic of contentious fighting amongst drivers everywhere in Virginia is how we should treat those who are using handheld devices like cell phones while driving. Being distracted by a conversation … [Read more...]

Disorderly conduct by students in Virginia schools: A new law attempts to sort out the mess.

A common headache teachers, administrators, and school resource officers face in school fights is figuring out who started the incident. Assault and battery of one student by another is still just as … [Read more...]

Criminal Law Update: Major change in law concerning jury punishment in Virginia

For decades now, Virginia has divided jury trials into two parts—first the “guilt” phase, where the members of a jury decide whether someone is actually guilty of an offense. The second was the … [Read more...]

The Unseen Punishment—The collateral consequences of criminal convictions.

A question we frequently get from clients who are facing their first criminal charge is how this will affect them in the years to come. Criminal penalties include incarceration, fines, restitution to … [Read more...]

DUI Under 21 in Virginia

Most people believe that if you have a BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) under 0.08, you are safe to drive and cannot be charged with DUI.  However, in Virginia, that is not the case. If you are under 21 … [Read more...]

Unlawful Search and Evidence Retrieved – What Might a Court Do?

For years, evidence that police find in violation of a person’s rights under the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution – the right against unlawful search and seizure- is commonly ruled inadmissible … [Read more...]

Virginia License Suspension Forgiveness – For now, a temporary reprieve.

This year Virginia has seen a change in how it handles license suspension. There have been many articles and news outlets stating that through a budget amendment effective July 1, 2019 Virginia law … [Read more...]

DUI (DWI) under .08 BAC in Virginia

Most people believe that if you have a BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) under 0.08, you are safe to drive and cannot be charged with DUI (DWI).  However, in Virginia, that is not the case. Consuming any … [Read more...]