Zoom Meeting Tips from the Pros: 1st Edition

As has been well documented, COVID-19 has increased the use and frequency of Zoom Meetings across business sectors in our economy.  Zoom makes it very easy to communicate.  After all, you don’t need an account to join a call, only to host one.  The interface is intuitive and works well.

Of course, with this new freedom comes expectations of what Zoom Meetings should and should not* include.  Thus after several experiences and research, we’ve come up with  “Zoom Meeting Tips from the Pros: 1st Edition.”

1. Wear Pants.

Obvious to many, but not all.  While it’s true that many desktops and locations to have a Zoom Meeting do not require seeing the lower portion of your body on camera, isn’t it just better to be safe?

2. Make Certain Those in Your Household are Wearing Pants.

This one can be tricky.  If you ask yourself who is most likely to traipse behind you with no pants, you’ll probably know the answer and can nip this one in the bud ahead of time.


3. Where are your Children?

Are they video conferencing?

4. Use the “Mute” Button.  It’s Important.

A conversation for the ages, I’m sure…

Look for more tips from Winslow & McCurry, PLLC.  All of our lawyers are available to meet you on Zoom.  Please call us to schedule a consultation for your matter.  (804) 423-1382.