Business Contracts A to Z

Sarah Ludlow McCurry

We are proud to announce that Sarah will be speaking at a National Business Institute CLE event on September 18th in Richmond, Virginia.  Sarah will be focusing her speech on essential legal elements to a contract.

If you are interested in attending the conference, please click on the link below.,Nrc:id-3-dynrank-disabled,Nra:pEventDate%2bpEventStartTime%2bStates%2bCredits%2bScope+of+Content%2bpLocationCity%2bpDescription%2bpProductId%2bpProductDescription%2bProductCode+(HIDDEN)%2bpAdditionalFormats%2bDivision,N:303-56

As always, if you are interested in setting up a consultation to discuss a contract related issue, please feel free to contact our office at 804.423.1382 at anytime.